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Way Ahead 2. Pupils Book - Ellis, Bowen

Way Ahead 2. Pupils Book - Ellis, Bowen
Автор: Ellis Printha, Bowen Mary
Художник: Beresford-Davies Nick, Deegan Kim, Glover Dave все, Griffin Martin, Kenyon Tony, Knott Lynda, Mumford Jenny, Plumb John, Richardson-Jones Tessa, Smallman Steve скрыть
Издательство: Macmillan, 1997 г.
Жанр: Английский язык

Аннотация к книге "Way Ahead 2. Pupils Book"

Шестиуровневый курс для детей младшего и среднего школьного возраста, начинающих изучать английский язык в начальной школы.
Курс допущен Министерством образования РФ к использованию в школах с углубленным изучением английского языка (2-7 классы).
Way Ahead is a six-level course for primary school children who are learning English as a second language.
The structures and functions of the English language are taught through a variety of child-centred activities, which have been carefully graded and are suitable for classes in a variety of cultural backgrounds.
At the lower levels, the books introduce a cast of entertaining characters who contextualize the language and make learning fun.
At the upper levels, the texts are topic-based, and introduce children to the study skills they need to pursue their studies to a higher level. Читать Way Ahead 2. Pupils Book - Ellis, Bowen.

Way Ahead 2. Pupils Book - Ellis, Bowen

Way Ahead 2. Pupils Book - Ellis, Bowen

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